Tax Returns
For sole traders and business owners//
Tax returns are usually due before the 31st January (when done online) and need not be complicated or costly to you. Self-Assessment Tax Returns apply to you if you are:
- 1//Self-employed (such as a sub-contractor within the CIS Scheme
- 2//A Company Director
- 3//An employee with more complicated tax affairs
We will complete your Tax Return, calculate your liabilities, file your Return and correspond with HM Revenue and Customs about any issues, payments or refunds.
If you are due a refund, we will make the relevant claim for you and endeavour to have it paid to you as promptly as possible. This service is included in the price for the Tax Return and so no extra will be charged if a refund is due.
After completing your Tax Return, we will be able to analyse it to see if any tax savings can be made in the future.